lördag 11 januari 2014

Zelda Link in a Dungeon Fan Art - Acrylic on Paper 29x40cm

I was trying out some experimental techniques these past months, because that's how one fucks up and starts to learn. But in this one I decided to just go with the traditional Academic technique that an old master told me, and follow the rule of "shadows are thin, light is thick" as he said. This rule together with the temperature juxtaposition of colours gives the illustration a three dimensional effect, meaning that you can feel the depth and the space the elements are occupying. It's really hard to appreciate it on this photograph, mainly because colours and tones change a lot with any picture taken from the original, and secondly, Blogger decided to reduce the tones and quality from my original photograph.

Link's face is based of a picture from my little niece. It's certainly not her at all, but her expression in that photo just got stuck in my head for months. She has a very mischievous smile for a 2 year old child, it reminded me a lot of Junior from the 1990 movie Problem Child.

The painting had to have an 8-bit element to it as a reminder of it's NES roots. I went through various items from the game and the one who became the most meaningful whas the key. It oppens new paths to new and unknown places and was also to give a sense of continuation.

You can purchase this illustration today on R4FUsGallery

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