onsdag 6 augusti 2014

Super Mario Bros 2 Collection: Mario, Toad, Princess Toadstool & Luigi fanart nintendo

The 4 main characters from the NES game Super Mario Bros 2 reinterpreted. The idea that started this was my fascination of the weird nature of this game.

This collection is available for sale on my Etsy Store, get your today!

söndag 13 juli 2014

Void Kirby Art Nintendo NES Illustration

I've been thinking about Kirby for a while now, about what it is. It has a male name but the character is androgynous. It absorbs thing endlessly because it doesn't have any bottom, so why is that? It's just a silly video game character like any other, but even tough... Mario for me makes more sense, or any other character from that time, but this? this pink blob. When I try to make sense of it (doesn't make any sense anyway) Kirby is this extraterrestrial, spawned from a black hole that feeds from light... it feeds from light! isn't that crazy and scary? it eats a thing that you can't touch!
That's why i think of it as of Void Kirby.

Void Kirby - first sketch
Void Kirby - final

 You can now buy this print on Etsy, Society6 or Ebay

tisdag 10 juni 2014

Kid Icarus: Pit vs Medusa - Illustration Print Nintendo Fanart

This is the final battle of this great Nintendo game from 1986. The original painting is 40x32 cm (15.7x 12.6 inches) made with acrylic on paper.

You can buy this print from the following stores:
- Ebay
- Society6
- Etsy
- Tradera

Kid Icarus: Pit vs Medusa

Detail of Pit

tisdag 18 mars 2014

Metroid Samus Aran Fan Art - Acrylic on paper 40x29 cm

The original Metroid game was inspired from the 1979 film Alien. It had a female protagonist, one of the main bosses was called Ridley (the directors last name) and the levels, together with the whole game had a HR Giger feeling to them.

There are too many Samus representations out there showing her doing cool stuff in "WOW!" like angles. My idea here was to take her back to the NES side scrolling era, and instead of making here "cool" again, I would concentrate on the mood and the atmosphere.

I tried to recreate this mechanical and organical feeling of the levels, which is again, very HR Giger inspired. So I looked back to the original Alien movie and took Samus and put her in this dark, Prometheus-like environment.

I gave the suit a sligtly femenine form to mark the fact that there is a women inside. She also looks a little extraterrestial, kind of Xenomorphic.

The blue light in the background was made because i liked the tought that there were Ovomorphs (Alien eggs) laying there ready to hatch.

Final work

  You can purchase this illustration at R4FUsGallery

 Or buy a print at Redbubble.com

söndag 16 mars 2014

Obscurecido por las Nubes - Comic por R4FU 2000

Yet another old comic book which I dusted of and decided to upload.

This one is from 1999-2000 when I was a teenager in high school. It kinda tells the story of my first love, my platonic love for this girl who went in the same class as I.

This comic book began to grow under my hands because of the struggle I had being shy, and not telling this girl how I felt about her.

At the same time I started to study art in high school which helped me improve my technique.

This comic is in spanish only.


måndag 10 mars 2014

Succubus - Comic por R4FU 2004

Weeks before I left my homeland to move to Sweden, I gave a friend of mine a copy of this comic. The writing doesn't make any sense, it was later incorporated just because I felt the pages needed to have something written on it... they didn't. It's all about the visual aspect of it and my emotional state at the time. I was young and also in love when I drew this, so of course everything had to be overly dramatic.

The comic is only in spanish but you won't be missing anything if you don't speak the language.


lördag 22 februari 2014

Megaman / Rockman Fan Art - Acrylic on Paper 40x29 cm

In this Megaman I decided to give the background a bigger role. While I was looking at some screenshots to make another Megaman illustration, I found this one from a GameBoy version and it got me thinking. I liked it from the beginning because a saw all the stuff that could be reworked in a 3D environment, the deep atmosphere and the effects that I could experiment with here got me working on it immediately.

The environment here received a huge attention. I spent many days slowly working on it, this couldn't be rushed because I wanted this detailed, mechanical and dirty background.

After building up the background I continued on the electric bolt. Here I started to make electric noises while painting and humming a Megaman boss fight song.
Some times in the middle of the painting, I would stop for a moment and play the classic Megaman games to try to relive the feelings the game gave me as a child, this would always help me to bring something new to the work.

So after adding some lightning effects and having the background practically finished, I started then to work on the actual character. In contrast to the other Megaman I made, this one felt more "sparkly" and "techy", this gave me the headpoint to make another Megaman in a similar style.
The Final Work

 You can purchase this illustration today at R4FUsGallery

onsdag 29 januari 2014

9 Illustrations of Ents - Lord of the Rings

These sketches made with graphite pencil on paper took me 1 hour each to draw. That was the main goal, only 1 hour to come up with an idea and draw it down fast. It was undoubtedly very hard. Ideas that work great in your head don't always make a good transition to reality.

There where originally 13 sketches but I left 4 out because of their low quality.

You can purchase these illustrations today on R4FUsGallery

torsdag 23 januari 2014

The Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask Collection Fanart

This is a collection of the main characters from Majora's Mask that I decided to reinterpret, the final work will compose of 7 illustration made with graphite pencil on A4 size paper. The illustrations are:

- Link
- The Skull Kid
- Deku Link
- Goron Link
- Zora Link
- Happy Mask Salesman
- The Fountain Fairy

When finished, all original illustrations will be available to purchase from my Etsy shop.

More details about the process of each illustration will be added soon.

lördag 11 januari 2014

Zelda Link in a Dungeon Fan Art - Acrylic on Paper 29x40cm

I was trying out some experimental techniques these past months, because that's how one fucks up and starts to learn. But in this one I decided to just go with the traditional Academic technique that an old master told me, and follow the rule of "shadows are thin, light is thick" as he said. This rule together with the temperature juxtaposition of colours gives the illustration a three dimensional effect, meaning that you can feel the depth and the space the elements are occupying. It's really hard to appreciate it on this photograph, mainly because colours and tones change a lot with any picture taken from the original, and secondly, Blogger decided to reduce the tones and quality from my original photograph.

Link's face is based of a picture from my little niece. It's certainly not her at all, but her expression in that photo just got stuck in my head for months. She has a very mischievous smile for a 2 year old child, it reminded me a lot of Junior from the 1990 movie Problem Child.

The painting had to have an 8-bit element to it as a reminder of it's NES roots. I went through various items from the game and the one who became the most meaningful whas the key. It oppens new paths to new and unknown places and was also to give a sense of continuation.

You can purchase this illustration today on R4FUsGallery